Many people who are starting the process of dedicated financial planning make the mistake of thinking that they would not benefit from professional wealth management. Those with substantial assets may think that they can do just as good a job by following major indexes with their investing. Others may think that a wealth manager will pigeon-hole them into stocks, bonds, or other financial products that fit that agency’s status quo or pay large commissions.

Both views are mistaken.

In point of fact, anyone looking to secure their financial future will benefit from working with a trusted wealth management advisor—because mistakes and oversights can be extremely costly, both in real dollars lost and in opportunities missed. And, managing investments is only one small part of the wealth management picture.

Full-service wealth managers, like SK Wealth Management, LLC, do much more than simply invest your money and make trades. They take a comprehensive look at your finances, your current lifestyle and your future plans, and put together a roadmap to help you achieve your goals—and this impacts much more than your finances.

At SK Wealth Management, we begin by listening—making sure that we understand what is important to you. We don’t have “cookie-cutter” plans, because nobody lives a cookie-cutter life, or has cookie-cutter dreams. The goal of professional wealth management is to help you live the life you want to live and create the legacy you want to leave behind.

And, that legacy might start with your children’s education. We will work with you to design strategies to help your money grow to prepare for the costs of college and other anticipated expenditures, as well as safeguarding you against unexpected events. That legacy might involve donations and endowments to support a charity or cause that is important to you. Whatever your goal, the proper financial plan can make it a reality.

We also can help you work through life’s most difficult times, with services like divorce financial planning, as well as helping you build toward your goals with proven investment strategies. And, as a fee-only fiduciary, you can count on SK Wealth Management to make investment decisions based solely on what works for your portfolio—not what earns an agent the best commission.

We also offer services to business owners and corporate leadership teams that need help setting up and managing a top-flight retirement plan for their employees. We realize that in Rhode Island’s ultra-competitive arena of talent recruitment and retention, a solid retirement plan can be the crucial element that tips the scales in your favor.

Tipping the scales in your favor is what we do every day at SK Wealth Management. From young couples just starting out, to people facing important life choices and those needing advice on retirement and inheritance issues, we are here to listen, to plan, and to help you succeed.

Call us today to see the difference professional wealth management can make!


Author admin

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